Finally an uptick in IPv6 eyeballs! Bulgaria went from < 1% to almost 10% in a few weeks.

Tech, coffee and stuff
Finally an uptick in IPv6 eyeballs! Bulgaria went from < 1% to almost 10% in a few weeks.
Not a deep dive into WireGuard itself, but how to setup and use it.
Scope of this blog post is to have an easy understandable how to guide to quickly setup a WireGuard VPN with dualstack support through NAT.
Less blah blah, more commands and configs.
Continue reading “WireGuard example setup”This article explains how to get your own IP addresses and why you might want them. I try to make it as information dense as possible.
Continue reading “How to get IP addresses?”I got a couple of small computers laying around which are more like development systems and mostly lab environments. However, these are not running 24/7 and since I’m traveling alot I’m not always close to those computers. Let me show you what Wake on LAN (WOL) is and how you can make it Wake on WAN over IPv6.
Continue reading “Wake on LAN? Wake on WAN!”Recently I looked into deavmi’s project named CRXN where he’s leveraging yggdrasil’s peer-to-peer VPN routing mechanism to build an overlay network using IPv4. Since several of my online services are not connected to yggdrasil, I was wondering if it’s possible to just NAT64 CRXN into IPv6. Sure it worked quite fine, I’ll show you how we pulled that off.
Shitty pro-tip: You can also use this instruction to expose your super secured enterprise network to the public. Instead of yggdrasil you use your corporate VPN.
UPDATE: I had to setup mss clamping. Check the last paragraph how I did it. I also fixed some errata in my systemd service file.
Continue reading “Subsetting CRXN into the real Internet”Kleine Anleitung, wie man von eine BGP-Sitzung auf CentOS 7 mit bird 1.4+ einrichtet.
Interessant für jeden, der IPv6 mit eigenen Adressen sprechen möchte, aber keine Chance hat, an IPv6-Transit zu kommen.
Continue reading “CentOS 7, bird 1.4+ und BGP-Tunnel”
Ja, DNS64 ist böse, weil es DNSSEC kaputtmacht. Dennoch ist NAT64 eine halbwegs brauchbare Brückenlösung, wenn man ein IPv6-only Netzwerk betreiben will. Manche Geräte können ja 464XLAT und alles wird wieder gut. ™