Subsetting CRXN into the real Internet

Recently I looked into deavmi’s project named CRXN where he’s leveraging yggdrasil’s peer-to-peer VPN routing mechanism to build an overlay network using IPv4. Since several of my online services are not connected to yggdrasil, I was wondering if it’s possible to just NAT64 CRXN into IPv6. Sure it worked quite fine, I’ll show you how we pulled that off.

Shitty pro-tip: You can also use this instruction to expose your super secured enterprise network to the public. Instead of yggdrasil you use your corporate VPN.

UPDATE: I had to setup mss clamping. Check the last paragraph how I did it. I also fixed some errata in my systemd service file.

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YAML prüfen

YAML ist einfach, aber mit den Whitespaces auch manchmal trickreich.

ruby -e "require 'yaml'; puts YAML.load_file('./meine-datei.yaml')"